Top Five Reasons To Use An Eye Cream To Eliminate Dark Eye Circles

Do you know how to remove dark circles under your eyes? Even if you're still young you'll look old and tired if you have dark half moons underneath your eyes. Those pesky raccoon eyes can stay with you for a long time.

One cause of allergies is deficiencies in vitamins and minerals like B6, folic acid, and B12. If this is what's causing your dark undereye circles then taking multivitamins might help get rid of them.


There hasn't been enough prove that eye circles will be banished by using certain creams, but some of these creams do show a tendency of concealing them. Good creams to use are those that contain a lot of antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamin C.

Pitta Remedies - Cooling oils and herbs are ideal choices for Pitta skin types. It is easy to regain the natural luster and radiance. Neem, turmeric, manjistha, cucumber, Ghee for dark circles, coconut, khus, rose, and sandalwood etc are all herbs that can help. The skin care products with these herbs as ingredients are best choice for predominantly Pitta type skins. Pitta is hot and the diet should be cooling. Avoid acidic and heavily spicy food items.

Dark circles appear under the eyes for various reasons. The one common reason is the lack of sleep. People who don't sleep for atleast 7 hours a day will develop dark circles. They will be then advised to sleep well and the dark circles will gradually disappear. For some people dark circles appear because of some allergy. When their allergic season is over their face will turn bright. For others it may be due to insufficient nutrients in their diet. These people should start taking balanced diet to get rid of dark circles.



Try to avoid stress and eat healthier. It is true that too much stress and a bad diet are basically the culprits of most anything that goes wrong with us. We all must focus on eating foods that are rich in vital nutrients to help keep our skin looking vibrant, youthful, and alive. Avoiding stress is easier said than done, but try to do your best and those unattractive dark circles should start to lighten up a bit.

The second type of goat farming is when you raise the aforementioned animals for meat. You can either sell the meat as fresh produce or to be used in sausages, salted meat, and smoked meat cuts.

One can also use honey to treat dark circles as check here it has some amazing antioxidants and healing properties. Also it is rich in nutrients, vital enzymes etc. which helps in making ones skin free from aging signs and gives one a young look. One can also apply mixture of milk with ground almonds under eyes. One may also use glycerin and orange juice on the under eye circles for effective results. Above written are the best treatments for lightening under eye circles.

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